Head and Director of the MA program in 'Preservation and Development of Cultural Landscape and Cultural Heritage' & Member of the Departmental PhD Committee

Prof. Emeritus Irit Amit-Cohen 

Building 213, Room 319B
שעות קבלה
Monday, 12:00-14:00
תחומי מחקר
    קורות חיים

    Acadmeic Training

    BA Hebrew University 1973
    MA Hebrew University 1982
    Ph. D. Hebrew University 1993
    Teaching license Hebrew University 1974


    Previous Employment

    Tel Aviv University (1980-2002)
    Open University (1988-1994)
    Geography Department Bar Ilan University since 1994
    Geography and Land of Israel Studies and Archeology since 2000

    תחומי התמחות

    Cultural Built Heritage in Rural Areas

    Land uses Changes and their Influences on the Definition of Green Corridor: The Case of Southern Coastal Plane
    Cultural Built Heritage in Urban Areas Verses to Development: The Case of Tel Aviv-Jaffa


    Amit-Cohen Irit, "Cultural Built Heritage in Rural Areas: Values and Assets", Ana Maria de Souza Mello Bicalho and Scott William Hoefle (Editors), The Regional Dimension and Contemporary Challenges to Rural Sustainability, Laboratorio de Gesttao Do Territorio, Rio de Jenero, 2004, pp. 448-466.

    Irit Amit-Cohen, "Synergy Between Urban Planning, Preservation of the Cultural Built Heritage and Sustainable Tourism in the Old Center of Tel Aviv-Jaffa", in: 2nd International Scientific Conference - Sustainable Tourism Development and the Environment, Chio, University of the Aegean, 2003, (CD)

    Irit Amit-Cohen, “Urban Planning and Conservation in the Old Urban Center – The Case of Tel Aviv”, The Venice Charter 1964-2004-2044, Budapest: Budapest Press, 2004, pp. 57-64.

    Irit Amit-Cohen, “The ‘White City’: Preservation and Functional Changes in the Old Center of Tel Aviv”, Maos, M., Inbar, M. and Shmueli D. F. (editors), Contemporary Israeli Geography, Haifa: Dep. Of Geography University of Haifa, 2004, pp. 51-60


    Current Research


    Planning, Conservation and Development Cultural Heritage in Rural Area and in Urban Area
    Environmental Studies - Social, Culture and Tourism
    Human Geography
    Israel State Studies

    Last Updated Date : 13/07/2022