The BA program introduces students to the major domains of geography and environment at the levels of both theory and research. The program provides basic tools for thought, interpretation, research, and criticism of main theoretical and current topics in geography. This goal is achieved by exposing students to the classical and current theories, theoreticians, research studies that comprise the essential core of the discipline, and to current qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Our aim is that by the time they reach the end of third year of the program, the students will have acquired geographical thinking skills, including the specific language of the discipline. We believe these skills will allow them to interpret spatial and environmental issues that are both local and general.

One of the key objectives of the Department of Geography and Environment is that students acquire first-hand field experience. Numerous excursions and field trips are included in the curriculum, in order to illustrate theoretical subject matters and provide opportunities to analyze various geographical phenomena in real time.

The purpose is also to help them take their first steps in the research process. It is important to convey research skills in a way that will allow every student to gain experience in research methodologies including basic familiarity with the academic literature in English, conversion of theoretical questions to empirical questions, distinguishing among research methods and choosing a suitable methodology, creating a data-collection instrument, content analysis, and academic writing. This experience will help students to choose a program of studies and a research field to pursue in their graduate studies. A major goal is to provide students with broad knowledge and basic skills giving them an edge in their future employment.

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