Dr. Roni Nehoray

Building 213, Room 301
שעות קבלה
Semester B - Monday, 20:00

    Remote sensing


    Softwares: Aoutocad, Arcgis


    תחומי עניין:

    remote sensing


    Softwares: Aoutocad Map, Arcgis

    Academic Training

    B.A. : Bar Ilan University, Department of Geography.
    M.A. : Bar Ilan University, Department of Geography.
    Ph.D. : Bar Ilan University, Department of Geography


    2005-2012: עוזר הוראה במחלקה לג"ג וסביבה, אונ' בר-אילן
    2005-2012: מילגאי של המכון הגאולוגי

    2004-2008: קומפלוט - GIS

    2000-2004: דטהמפ
    1999-2000: הלפרין-פלוס
    1998-1999: זייד אורניב
    1994-1998: החברה להנדסה ופוטוגרמטריה

    Publication List

    Peer Reviewed articles

    Nehorai, R., I. M. Lensky, L. Hochman, I. Gertman, S. Brenner, A. Muskin, and N. G.       Lensky (2013), Satellite observations of turbidity in the Dead Sea, J. Geophys.          Res.,118, 1-15, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20204

    Nehorai R, Lensky N. G., Brenner S., Lensky I. M. (2013), The dynamics of the skin        temperature 1 of the Dead Sea, Advances in Meteorology, Vol. 2013, 9 pages.            http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/296714.

    Nehorai, R., I. M. Lensky, N. G. Lensky, and S. Shiff (2009), Remote sensing of the        Dead Sea surface temperature, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C05021,                                  doi:10.1029/2008JC005196.

    Ph. D. Thesis
    Turbidity and Temperature of the Dead Sea Surface: Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements (2013). Department of Geography and Environment, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan.  83 Pages.


    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Lensky, I.M and Hochman L. 2012. Remote sensing of turbidity in the Dead Sea. Isr. Geog. Assoc. Annu. Meet., Ben-Gurion University, Dec. 2012.

    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Lensky, I.M and Hochman L. 2012. Satellites Observations of turbidity in the Dead Sea. The Israel Society of ecology and Environmental sciences. Tel Aviv University, Oct. 2012.

    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Lensky, I.M and Hochman L. 2012. Remote sensing of turbidity in the Dead Sea. Isr. Geog. Assoc. Annu. Meet., Ben-Gurion University, Dec. 2012.

    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Lensky, I.M. 2011. The role of Air Temperature on the Skin Temperature of the Sea Surface. Isr. Meteorological Soc. Annu. Meet., Tel Aviv University, Mar. 2011.

    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Lensky, I.M. 2010. The role of Air Temperature on the Skin Temperature of the Sea Surface. Isr. Geog. Assoc. Annu. Meet., Hebrew University, Dec. 2010.

    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Shif, S., Lensky, I.M. 2010. Time and Space Heterogeneity of Dead Sea Surface Temperature by Remote Sensing. International Geographical Union Regional Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Jul. 2010.

    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Shif, S., Lensky, I.M. 2008. Time and Space Heterogeneity of Dead Sea Surface Temperature by Remote Sensing. Isr. Geog. Assoc. Annu. Meet., Bar-Ilan University,  Dec. 2008. p. 82. http://geography.haifa.ac.il/conference/IGA49.pdf

    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Shif, S., Lensky, I.M. 2008. Time and Space Heterogeneity of Dead Sea Surface Temperature by Remote Sensing. The Isr. Assoc. for Aqua. Scie. Annu. Meet., Ruppin Academic Center,  Mar. 2008. (presented As a poster)

    Nehorai, R., Lensky, N. G., Shif, S., Lensky, I.M. 2007. Time and Space Heterogeneity of Dead Sea Surface Temperature by Remote Sensing. Isr. Geog. Assoc. Annu. Meet., Ben-Gurion University,  Dec. 2007. p. 118.http://geography.haifa.ac.il/conference/IGA48.pdf


    Reports List

    Lensky, N., Gertman, I., Rosentraub, Z., Lensky, I., Gavrieli, I. and Nehorai, R. (2010) Alternative dumping sites in the Dead Sea for harvested salt from pond 5: Currents in the Dead Sea during summer 2009, Geol. Surv. Isr. Rep. GSI/01/2010.

    Nehorai R., Lensky N, Lensky I. (2009), The surface temperature of the Dead Sea.Geol. Surv. Israel, Rep. no.  GSI/40/2009, 14p. Submitted to the Minist. of National Infrastructures.

    Nehorai R., Lensky I., Lensky N, Shif S. (2008), Remote sensing of the Dead Sea surface temperature. Geol. Surv. Israel, Rep. no. GSI/26/2008, 13p. Submitted to the Minist. of National Infrastructures.

    Lensky N., Nehorai R.; Lensky I. (2007), Spatial hetereogenity of the Dead Sea’s surface temperature: observations from satelites – daily and seasonal changes. Geol. Surv. Israel, Rep. no.  GSI/22/2007, 13p.

    Lensky, N G, Nehorai, R, Shif, S, Lensky, I M, Gertman, I, Gavrieli, I (2006), Characterization of the spatial and temporal temperature variation of the Dead Sea's surface temperature - observations from satellite. (In Hebrew) Geol. Surv. Israel, Rep. no.  GSI/33/2006. Submitted to the Minist. of National Infrastructures, 16p.


    Last Updated Date : 13/07/2022