Prof. Anat Tchetchik
B.Sc. 1992, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI), Environmental Economics and Management*, (Magna Cum laude, Dean's list).
M.Sc. 1996, HUJI, Environmental Economics and Management, (Magna Cum laude). Advisor: Prof. Israel Finkelshtain. Thesis title: Approaches toward Finance and the Incentives System.
Ph.D. 2007, HUJI, Environmental Economics and Management. Advisors: Prof. Israel Finkelshtain and Prof. Aliza Fleischer. Dissertation title: Rural Tourism in Israel; Structure, Analysis and Policy Implications.
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow 2009, HUJI, Environmental Economics and Management. Supervisor: Prof. Eli Feinerman. Subject: Impact of Counter-Urbanization on Size, Population Mix and Welfare of an Agricultural Region.
*The department of Environmental Economics and Management was previously the department of Agricultural Economics and Management.
Additional training
Workshop in “Advances in Discrete Choice Models and Experimental Design for Stated Choice Data in Energy and Environmental Resources” by the Centre for the Study of Choice at the University of Technology in Sydney and the University of Padua, Italy, 2011.
Stata Elements course, Subotnick Financial Services Center, Zicklin School of Business - Baruch College, CUNY, New York, NY, 2013.
Research Grant
1. 2017-2019. The Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Consumer Preferences for Electronic Waste Collection with D. Vered Blass (TAU). Granted for two years (total budget $ 100,000).
2. 2017-2020. EU project, Horizon 2020 Framework Program, Transition from Linear to Circular: Policy and Innovation, with partners from Israel, Germany, UK, Holland, France, Spain, Malta, Poland and Belgium. Granted for three years, annual budget €1,000,000, (total budget €3,000,000).
3. Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. Agriculture areas as ecological corridors: exploring the ecological and economic implication of different planning and management scenarios in “Harod” valley as a case study. With Prof. Shwartz, A. (the Technion) Dr. Segoli, M. (BGU) and Renan, I. (TAU). Granted for one year. Total amount $45,000.
4. 2016, Nekudat-Hen, The cost-benefit ratio of marginal fields interface in Harod Valley. With Dr. Segoli, M. (BGU) Hila Serge, Prof. Schwartz, A. and Prof. Carmel, Y. (Technion). Granted for one year (total budget $22,000).
5. 2013-2015. Excellence center for the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, Socio-Economic Changes in the Rural Hemisphere in a Period of Changes in Agricultural Policy, with researchers from the HUJI, BIU and TAU. Granted for three years, annual budget $143,000, total amount $429,000.
6. 2015. Nekudat-Hen, Interaction and simultaneously between use of Information Resources, Environmental Attitudes and the Adoption of Practices by Farmers. With Dr. Blass, V. Granted for one year, annual budget $18,000, total amount $18,000.
7. 2012-2015. Chief Scientist, the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, Ecological and Economic Impacts of Recreational Fishing in the Mediterranean Basin, with Prof. Benayahu, Y. Granted for three years, annual budget $36,000, total amount $108,000.
8. 2009-2010. Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, Regulation and Support Policies in the Rural Tourism Industry in Israel. With Prof. Fleischer, A. and Prof. Finkelshtain, I. Granted for two years, annual budget, $21,500, total amount 43,000.
Chapters in collective volumes
Tchetchik, A., Fleischer, A. and I. Finkelshtain. 2009. On-Farm Non-Agricultural Labor: On the Development of Rural Tourism in Western Countries, in The Economics of Natural and Human Resources in Agriculture, Kimhi, A and I. Finkelshtain eds. Springer, pp. 305-331.
Tchetchik, A. 2010. The Economics of The Rural Tourism Industry in Israel Critical Discussion, in Devesh Nigam ed. Rural Tourism, Shree Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, August, pp. 41-52.
Tchetchik, A. 2014. Is Rural Tourism Industry in Israel Rural? In Israeli Life and Leisure in the 21st Century, Leitner M. and Leitner S. eds., Sagamore Publishing, Urbana IL, USA, pp. 316-321.
Refereed articles and refereed letters in scientific journals
Fleischer, A. and A. Tchetchik, 2005. Does Rural Tourism Benefit from Agriculture. Tourism Management, 26(4): 493-501. [IF: 4.324; 3/43; Q1].
Tchetchik A., Fleischer, A. and I. Finkelshtain 2008. Differentiation and Synergies in Rural Tourism: Estimation and Simulation of the Israeli Market, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90(2): 553-570. [IF 1.828; 5/17; Q1].
Tchetchik, A., Fleischer, A. and N. Shoval. 2009. Segmentation of Visitors to a Site Using High Resolution Time-Space Data, Journal of Travel Research, 48:216-229. [IF 3.981; 3/43, Q1].
Tchetchik, A. 2010. Internalizing Externalities under Joint Production of Rural Tourism and Agriculture –A Conceptual Framework, Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 4(1): 1-15.
Feinerman, E., Finkelshtain, I. Tchetchik A. and M. Delgos 2011. Impact of Counter-Urbanization on Size, Population Mix and Welfare of an Agricultural Region, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93 (4): 1032-1047. [IF 1.828; 2/17; Q1].
Tchetchik, A., Fleischer, A. and I. Finkelshtain. 2012. An Optimal Size for Rural Tourism Villages with Agglomeration and Congestion Effects. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 39 (4):685-706. [IF 1.828; 417; Q1].
Fleischer, A., Tchetchik, A. and T. Toledo. 2012. The Impact of Fear of Flying on Travelers' Flight Choice—Choice Model with Latent Variables. Journal of Travel Research, 51 (5): 653–663. [IF 3.981; 3/43, Q1].
Tchetchik, A, Grinstein, A., Manes, E., Shapira D. and R. Durst 2015. Counting Articles or Impact? When Does Academic Research Provide more Value to Society, Plos One, 10 (6): 1-16. [IF 3.535, 11/63, Q1].
Fleischer, A., Tchetchik, A. and T. Toledo. 2015. Does it Pay to Reveal Safety Information? The Effect of Safety Information on Flight Choice. Transportation Research Part C, 56: 210-220. (All authors contributed equally). [IF 3.631, 5/33; Q1].
Tchetchik, A. 2015. Do Communication Technologies and Immigration Induced Travel Flows Complement or Compete? Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 8: 335-356. [SJR impact factor: 0.22).
Tang, C.M.V., Tchetchik, A. and E. Cohen. 2015. Perception of Wine Labels by Hong Kong Chinese Consumers. Journal of Wine Economics and Policy 4: 12-21. [SJR impact factor: 0.41,].
Tchetchik. A. Kaufmann, D. and V. Blass 2016. Perceived Scarcity, Habits, Environmental Attitudes, and Price Sensitivity: How do They Interact with Preferences towards Greywater Systems? Built Environment, 42(2): 273-293. [SJR impact factor: 0.35).
Kaufmann, D., Tchetchik, A. and Hayoon-Davidov, L. 2016. Factors Influencing the Adoption of Greywater in Israel. Built Environment, 42(2): 258-272. [SJR impact factor: 0.35].
Gafter, M.L. and Tchetchik, A. 2017. The Role of Social Ties and Communication Technologies in Visiting Friends Tourism- a GMM Simultaneous Equations Approach. Tourism Management, 61: 343-353. [IF: 4.324; 3/43; Q1]
Last Updated Date : 13/07/2024